Do you ever have those "hott" days? It's those days where you wake up feeling like a 5'8'' Brazilian supermodel that just finished a 5k? You know those days? Those days are brilliant for a grand total of 3 hours. After about the 3 hour mark, some divine creation is notified that you think you're a fucking superstar.
"Katie O'Brien thinks she's hot shit...well I'll correct that"
You're going along your merry way winking at every passerby, bumpin' to the tunes of your ipod when,
"I'm hott. I worked out last night..I just got a check back from the government...booya.....OH FUCK!"
Then it happens. You wipe out. It can take a sheet of ice that was invisible 2 seconds ago, or you can chalk it up to clumsiness, but you blow it. Within seconds you return to being frumpy and the woman in front of you no longer has "super cool jeans, maybe I'll compliment her because I feel that great today", but rather she is annoying and you are debating whether or not you should purposely shove her and claim that it was an accident.
We love to throw excuses around..anything so we don't look like an idiot. "God damnit, I just bought these shoes and the soles are still shiny and rubbery and not broken in yet, so that's why I fell. It was not my fault." Or, my personal favorite having grown up with a family of attorneys, "Son of a bitch! Uneven sidewalk...Lane Bryant you're gonna pay for this trip!"
Either way, that 3 hours of hotness escapes you and never returns for the rest of the day. You reassume that role as pathetic. You had it, and then it was gone.