The van has two responses, "Soccer Mom with kids", or the van gets this response "Shady. Probably Rape..if not rape, there is most likely rope in the back of that thing." I love how one vehicle is praised as the epitome of motherhood, and is simultaneously seen as a kidnappers haven. I feel like there is one golden rule you should go by when identifying a safe van from a not so safe van.
Every parent should tell their kids this. If a van has windows, please, by all means, enter into it. If a van does not have windows, don't get close to it because that means it's filled with something bad in the back whether that be drugs, immigrants or tons of paint cans. So what happens if you come across a van that has windows in it, but lets say you spot one of the three dangers in the back....drugs, immigrants or paint cans. Then you just wave to that van and go along your merry way