I love airports. I really do. I enjoy my time spent there. One thing that has always kind of caught me off guard is baggage claim. I think baggage claim is obnoxious. Everyone stands with their knees practically touching the conveyer belt waiting for their suitcases. Everyones is a hurry, gotta go...gotta get my bag and go. Luggage comes rolling out and you always have that one jackass with the bright yellow bag with like duck tape just plastered all over it and your thinking in your mind "eh, kinda least he knows which bag is his."
But then have you noticed that that never there to claim that one bag that stands out! Thats the one bag that is always rolling around at the end. Then, how great is it when you see someone across the way grab your bag. Your black suitcase. So, instead of yelling you just throw your arms up. Thats all you can do. You just throw em up. Your thinking "Maybe if my arms go up that guy will think......oh her suitcase..whoops". Then you run over "Oh, suitcase...mine. Mine!" You just point. Then they get all defensive.
"No. no miss this is my black suitcase. I had the tag bent this way so I would know"
"But it has my name on it"
They does. So they just drop the bag and run back to the conveyer belt fearful that someone else might have stolen their black suitcase. And that yellow bag with duck tape is still rolling around, no ones claimed it yet. Then you have that one guy who has already claimed six giant bags and he's waiting for his seventh black, swiss army bag to come around and your thinking "where the hell are you coming from that you need that much luggage"
Then there's the other guy who's muttering "Jesus christ, I knew I shouldn't have checked a bag. I knew it! Is anyone else missing luggage? Mine is not here. Anyone else?...THE ONE TIME I CHECK A BAG! Christ! No one else is missing anything?"
You know...thats where you should go if your homeless. Baggage claim, just grab some bags and head on out. No one would know. You could make a bundle reselling some of that stuff. It would be like a grab bag, you would never know what you were going to get. That makes life fun.