The rat tail. Distinguishing the white trash from the non-white trash for over 20 years. A hair cut designed to say to the masses "look at me, I'm a giant fucking freak". A hair cut so low on the hair cut totem poll its equivalent to leprosy. You know what its like when you spot a real live rat tail on a youg boy next to the claw machine at Denny's. You think "get out of here...I need to get out of here". Have you ever sat next to someone in a movie theater with a rat tail? Torture. I haven't, but I've heard horror stories. The rat tail lightly drapes itself over the back of the movie theater chair as if it has a mind of its own. It purposely lingers close to your popcorn and coca cola slushie. I was curious as to how this hair cut could have possibly come about. Who thought, "I know! I'll shave my head and leave just a little bit in the back. That will show the kids at school!" I use to think you would honestly have to be mentally ill to WANT such an awful haircut. But, as it turns out, there is some history behind the rat tail. Apparently, the rait tail sprung from the 1980's star wars/ jedi knight phase. Apprentices becoming Jedi Knights MUST have a rat tail and then once the apprenticeship is complete, the infamous rat tail is either "burnt" or "sliced". At this point I was relieved, at least there was a reson that this hair cut had come about, but then I thought. Thats inexcusable. Everyone knows Star Wars is fiction. Fiction, you freaks. You don't take it seriously. FYI: Jedi Knights are not real, making the rat tail a fictional hair cut. This is a plea to the white trash of America. You can keep your menthol lights and you can keep your mullets. You are allowed to leave the kiddie pool out in your yard year round and I will even let you park your Bronco on the lawn, but for the love of God, rid yourselves of the rait tail. It makes you look a lot worse then you already do. The rait tail is a dangerous thing. It has a mind of its own. Its curls on its own for gods sake.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A brief history lesson....
The rat tail. Distinguishing the white trash from the non-white trash for over 20 years. A hair cut designed to say to the masses "look at me, I'm a giant fucking freak". A hair cut so low on the hair cut totem poll its equivalent to leprosy. You know what its like when you spot a real live rat tail on a youg boy next to the claw machine at Denny's. You think "get out of here...I need to get out of here". Have you ever sat next to someone in a movie theater with a rat tail? Torture. I haven't, but I've heard horror stories. The rat tail lightly drapes itself over the back of the movie theater chair as if it has a mind of its own. It purposely lingers close to your popcorn and coca cola slushie. I was curious as to how this hair cut could have possibly come about. Who thought, "I know! I'll shave my head and leave just a little bit in the back. That will show the kids at school!" I use to think you would honestly have to be mentally ill to WANT such an awful haircut. But, as it turns out, there is some history behind the rat tail. Apparently, the rait tail sprung from the 1980's star wars/ jedi knight phase. Apprentices becoming Jedi Knights MUST have a rat tail and then once the apprenticeship is complete, the infamous rat tail is either "burnt" or "sliced". At this point I was relieved, at least there was a reson that this hair cut had come about, but then I thought. Thats inexcusable. Everyone knows Star Wars is fiction. Fiction, you freaks. You don't take it seriously. FYI: Jedi Knights are not real, making the rat tail a fictional hair cut. This is a plea to the white trash of America. You can keep your menthol lights and you can keep your mullets. You are allowed to leave the kiddie pool out in your yard year round and I will even let you park your Bronco on the lawn, but for the love of God, rid yourselves of the rait tail. It makes you look a lot worse then you already do. The rait tail is a dangerous thing. It has a mind of its own. Its curls on its own for gods sake.