My family is very Catholic. In fact we're so Catholic, that my grandpa has gotten to the roots of our geneaology and has proudly proclaimed that we are the long lost, distant relatives of St. Anthony....yes St. Anthony. So next time your brag about your Lexus, or getting into Stanford law....I will have one up on you.
Anyways it was recently my grandparents 50th or 60th wedding anniversary. I'm not sure which one......anyways, my grandpa had planned to shower his bride of eternity with a "rare" gift. He wanted something special....something that says "we've been together a lifetime...this is a token of our love for each other" So, who else to consult when buying an anniversary gift then your local parish priest. Father suggests to my grandpa that there is this beautiful rare brazilian gem that would be perfect. My grandpa, cane in hand and with a twinkle in his eye knows that my grandmother will love this gem. Having only to go off the knowledge the parish priest has given him "brazilian gem", he logs onto their new computer and googles "brazilian gem".
Well, brazilian gems did pop up. Naked, brazilian gems. Grandpa had stumbled upon a sea of porn while attempting to purchase a gift for my grandmother for the upcoming anniversary. Ashamed and full of Catholic guilt and blanketed with sin,he is embaressed to tell anyone but has a dilemma because they keep getting porn pop ups. Finally he breaks the news to the family at my moms birthday dinner pleading with my uncle to help him with his computer problems and solve the brazilian gem porn dilemma. In a fit of laughter, while simultaneously creeped out, we all ask if this was actually a "mistake".
My grandpa, now a little angry and ashamed, said that he had prayed many rosaries and has gone to confession even though he witnessed the images "accidentally"
My grandmother simply said, "He said it was an accident, and I believe him" and she left it at that.
Now thats 50 or 60 years worth of love and trust.