My mouth has a mind of its own. For some odd reason my body has programmed itself to prioritize my mouth over my brain. For example, I was working at home a while back, doing my job, when I interviewed a woman over the phone. Her baby screamed through the whole interview. Towards the end of the interview, I politely said, "And for the next round of interviews there can't be any noise in the background" She apologized, giving me some sob story about how she was a single mom, frequent Wal-Mart shopper, etc, then I said this......
"No, I completely understand, I have two kids of my own."
Fucking Mouth.
Well this happened again, last night at one of my Improv Olympic classes. During our 10 minute break, we gathered and began talking about how technology is really advancing. Fascinating convo right? Well, I felt like I needed to jump in and be heard. Discussion had climaxed when someone mentioned robotic advances to aid in warfare, when I said this,
"Kind of like the roomba". My brain up to this point had desperately tried to keep my mouth shut, but alas, the mouth won. Everyone looked at me in a quizzical fashion, until someone broke the silence by saying, "Like the robotic vacuum?"
Yes, in the midst of desperately wanting to fit into to this technological conversation I had blurted "roomba". So I confidently kept with it, "Yeah that robot vacuum. Talk about technology!"
Whoever brings up the roomba in conversation might as well wear a sign that says "social outcast." I made a terrible mistake last night.
I brought up the roomba, which had aboslutely nothing to the do with the conversation at hand, except that it was "kind of like" a robot.
Well done mouth, well done.