I'm not really a "movie theater" person. I would rather watch a movie in the privacy of my own home, but there is one reason I absolutely love going to the movie theater, and that reason is the flute melody. That adorable 3 second melody that plays as the giant AMC letters appear on the screen, adorned with a shooting star. I think that melody is hilarious and this is why.
What if you were hired by AMC theaters to play the flute melody? What if that was your only job? What if your name was Carol, you were 15 years old and rather than opting to work at the local BK or Boston Market, you opted to be AMC's flute girl. Carols mom pulls up to AMC Theaters at 2pm everyday in her Astro Van. Carol jumps out with her kahkis on and starched AMC polo, flute case in hand. She runs into AMC, looks at her CASIO watch and realizes she's running behind schedule. She won't have time to warm up. Carol clocks in, checks her schedule in the employee lounge and realizes that she needs to be opening for Saw IV in theater 6 in 2 minutes. In record time, she pieces her flute together, races to theater 6 and makes it just in time. As the last preview shows, Carol takes her place underneath the exit sign, approaches the flute to her lips and as the giant AMC letters make there way across the screen, she nails her flute melody. She bows, in the dark, because the theater resuses to turn on the lights for her 3 second performance. She then darts next door to theater 7 to open up for Bee Movie. She will work until 6pm, grab a slushie, spill it on her khaki pants, and then wait for her mom to pick her up.
I, sadly, think of this scenario every single time I hear that flute melody.