I'm not a huge political fanatic. I don't Tivo debates, nor do I advocate flimsy yard signs. I understand the importance of the upcoming election, I really do. The one guy who has completely stumped me is this Huckabee character. He's this wide-eyed goofy looking guy with these chicklet teeth who is apparently convinced that he's got God in his pocket. I read today that this Huckabee character said,
"to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view"
Finally, someone has recognized that the separation of church and state needs to be rid of. We are a melting pot my friends...a giant pot of fondue. We are a nation composed of bananas, oranges, strawberries and sponge cake that are to be dipped into the chocolate of christianity. We need to come together as a nation and wrap ourselves in the blanket known as God's love.
Fuck the bill of rights....the ten commandments were issued and chizzled by the hands of God, therefore we should adhere to His rules. For all we know George Washington is as false as that whole "landing on the moon" bull.
Immigration laws should be changed and re-worked. Line the border with kiddie pools filled with water. A quick little dunk and bam...you're baptized...welcome to the land of purple mountain majesties.
This nation needs a makeover....a Jesus makeover.
----This message has been approved by Huckabee