I am willing to shamefully admit that I have become a craigslist junkie. In my early internet days I was never impressed with e-bay, google earth or you-tube. I had no interest in watching a cat play the piano, or an overweight woman falling off waterskis while her family guffaws as her one piece swim suit desperately tries to hold in the fat that is yearning to break out. You know what I'm talking about. It had no appeal to me. I was perfectly content with the many wonders of facebook, and cnn.com. I ocassionally read a blog or two, and then retired from the computer after merely 15 minutes of "surfing". But now, I have discovered craigslist and have become Jerry. You know, the kid who locks himself in the basement den. Jerry's only ten years old, but he has the skills of a 35 year old when it comes to a PC. He's familiar with all the websites and is an advocate for the internet. He wears shirts that read "I hear noises in my head" and "PC: Personal computer or paternal companion?" He spends many a night on his parents computer googling god knows what, only to prop open to the den door at 7am for nourishment a.k.a cheetos. He's completely isolated. He belives the matrix is real and he is a firm believer that cyber space is his closest companion. I'm not that extreme yet, but I have disovered my new best friend and amigo...craigslist. Created by an individual, who I am assuming, was named craig, it is a website that has become my guilty pleasure. It's ebay's kid brother. At first it started with innocent "shopping". Looking for furniture for my apartment, dvds and books. Then one day while working at my 9-5 office job (oh hey real world, hows it going?) I discovered the personals section. It was a wednesday I believe. Tired of seeing busted couches and shitty lamps, I wandered into this pandoras box, which was appropriately titled "personals". I began scanning the omaha personal ads on craigslist and was enetertained for an entire hour. I had found the buried treasure, I had won the lottery, I had basically stumbled upon Jesus' tomb. Titles for the personals read
"Jew Available"
"Yes, I smoke"
"Let me be the prop in your fantasy"
"Weak for Asian Princesses"
"Submissive female who wants to be treated like dirt, but not abused"
This is my new playground. I find the greatest humor in reading these ads. I scour them everyday laughing at the exspense of others. This personal site just screams in print "Loneliness"...and literally. So if you are ever bored, instead of engaging in a physical activity outside such as frisbee or golf, and rather than plopping down in front of the television set...log on to craigslist. I guarantee you will become a fan within the first 5 minutes.